波士顿市场连锁餐厅近日宣布,旗下餐厅已显著减少几个主要菜品的钠含量,并计划在2014年年底前将旗下餐厅食品的钠含量减少15%。自从2010年开始在指定餐厅试验减少食品钠含量以来,该连锁餐厅已将减少钠含量活动拓展至旗下所有共458家餐厅,其中包括在土豆泥中减少26%的钠,在家禽肉汁中减少50%的钠,在肉饼中减少18%的钠,以及在烤鸡中减少20%的钠。在2012年,该公司宣布,作为其减少钠含量计划的一部分,餐厅将不再提供盐瓶。 --消息源自MeatPoultry.com网站
零食和汽水生产商在教育营养师方面发挥了一定作用,正是这些营养师为美国人提供一些健康饮食建议。诸如菲多利、家乐氏和可口可乐这样的公司都在为营养师免费举办各类讲座、在线课堂以及研讨会。这种做法引起了道德方面的担忧,因为这种做法会让食品行业对营养师造成过度影响,这些营养师可以通过上述这些活动获得学分,从而保住自己的营养师执照。这类教育宣传活动还延伸到了课堂以外:菲多利公司表示,一千多名营养师都同意接收名为“SnackSense”的新闻通讯,该通讯源自公司为卫生保健专业人员提供的在线资源。最近一期通讯重点宣传了Tostitos新白玉米脆片所含的钠含量比较适量,并教读者如何使用该薯片制作食谱。 --消息源自美联社(Associated Press)
食品科学顾问海伦·米切尔(Helen Mitchell)表示,含镁高而含钾低的矿物盐为减少烘焙食品钠含量提供了有效且营养的解决方案。她解释说,虽然市售矿物盐的镁和钾含量各不相同,但要制作保证味道、保质期和营养成分面包产品,含氯化镁较高而含氯化钾稍低的矿物盐却是理想的选择。这类矿物盐“可能代表了减少钠含量的未来”,因为即使钠含量非常低,烘焙产品也可以保证其兼具外形和美味。--消息源自FoodNavigator.com网站
根据学校学生健康政策提出的指导方针将确保面向在校学生的食品和饮料销售不违背学校的“智能零食 (Smart Snacks)”标准。该标准将于2014-2015学年正式生效。第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)和农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克 (Tom Vilsack) 最近宣布的提议的指导方针,其中规定了零食中钠、脂肪和糖的含量。第一夫人表示,尽管90%的学区目前已经符合了经严格检查的学校午餐营养标准,学生周围仍然充斥着校园内的垃圾食物广告。例如,上月在美国医学会儿科期刊发表的一项研究发现,近三分之二的小学生都通过诸如必胜客的读书奖励计划之类的活动获得由其提供的快餐优惠券,该读书奖励计划就将比萨作为学生的阅读奖励。--消息来自美国国家公共电台(NPR)
发表在《动脉粥样硬化(Atherosclerosis)》杂志的一份最新报告表明,每天减少半茶匙的盐摄入量(约1150毫克的钠),将显著改善拥有正常血压的超重和肥胖人群的血管功能,也可能降低他们患上心血管疾病的风险。研究中记录的血管变化幅度可以使一个人从心脏病和中风的高风险类别转变为低风险类别。在六周时间里,参与者每日的饮食都包含9克盐(3450毫克钠),这个量和普通美国人的日常饮食一样。然后,他们在接下来的六周里,将食盐摄入量减少至每日6克(2300毫克钠)--普通美国人的推荐摄入量。结果发现,相比盐摄入量更高的饮食,他们在降低盐摄入量两天后,血管功能就明显提高,在六周内整整改善了45%。--消息源自《华尔街日报》(The Wall Stress Journal)
美国医学会内科期刊(JAMA Internal Medicine)针对过去研究的一篇新评论认为,素食主义者的血压比非素食者更低。该文章的首作者横山洋子(Yoko Yokoyama)认为,蔬菜为主的饮食是典型的低钠和高钾摄入,两者一起有助于降低血压。美国塔夫茨大学心血管营养实验室主任爱丽丝·丽希斯坦登(Alice Lichtenstein)认为,虽然该评论的结果令人鼓舞,但它却忽略了在饮食的整体钠含量和生活方式等因素。她并未参与此项研究。她说:“坚持素食的人可能吃的加工食品就更少,而加工食品正是饮食中钠的主要来源。我们在了解这些因素发挥的作用前,不能简单的把观察到的效果仅归因于坚持素食。”—消息源自路透社(Reuters)
人们偏爱培根是因为盐和脂肪会使人对任何类型的食物产生偏爱。据市场观察网报道,2013年美国的培根销售额增长了9.5%,创下近四十亿美元的历史新高。近期一项研究发现,食用加工肉类,而不是未加工的红肉,可能会提高消费者患心脏疾病和糖尿病的风险。有些食品研究人员已经指出,人类对包含三种基本成分——盐、糖和脂肪——的食品,有一种与生俱来的偏爱。当早餐肉配有枫糖浆或购买的糖时,人们对其的偏爱就更强烈了。--消息源自《科学世界报道》(Science World Report)
贝克IDI心脏与糖尿病研究所(Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute)预防保健科的主任西蒙·斯图尔特(Simon Stewart)认为,高血压是可以预防的。该机构最近发布了《贝克IDI血压饮食和生活方式计划》。如果血液中钠的含量增加,血管就会保留更多的体液以试图平衡钠的浓度。改变购物习惯是避免过度摄入钠的良好开端。例如,蔬菜和水果为人体提供钾、镁和纤维素。这些都有助于降低血压。该研究所出版的新著作认为,加倍摄入蔬菜和水果,同时将食盐摄入量降低一半可以将收缩压降低四个点。--消息源自The Age杂志
有任何问题或建议请联系美国疾病预防控制中心蔡颖女士(caiy@cn.cdc.gov)或Jessica Levings 女士(JLEVINGS@CDC.GOV)。
February 14–27, 2014
Boston Market Reduces Sodium Across Menu
Boston Market recently announced that it has significantly reduced sodium in several key menu items and is well on its way to reducing total sodium across its menu by 15% by the end of 2014. Since beginning testing of reduced sodium options at select locations in 2010, the chain has expanded its sodium reduction initiatives in all 458 of its restaurants, including reducing sodium by 26% in mashed potatoes, 50% in poultry gravy, 18% in meatloaf, and 20% in rotisserie chicken. In 2012, the company announced that it would remove salt shakers from its tables as part of its sodium reduction initiative. – MeatPoultry.com
Sunflower Seed Lawsuit Against ConAgra Can Proceed
A U.S. appeals court recently revived a lawsuit against ConAgra Foods over the amount of sodium the company discloses on sunflower seed packages. Lawyers for a purchaser of ConAgra’s DAVID Sunflower Seeds claim the nutritional information misrepresents the sodium content of the seeds by focusing exclusively on the kernels. Because most consumers place the entire seed in their mouths before eating the kernel and spitting out the shell, ConAgra should disclose the sodium in both, the lawsuit argues. A lower court judge dismissed the lawsuit, but a three-judge panel recently ruled 2-1 that the shell coatings are intended to be ingested, noting the ranch- and nacho cheese-flavored coating options. – Reuters
Lessons on Salt for Dietitians... by a Chip Maker
Snack and soda makers are playing a role in educating the dietitians who advise Americans on healthy eating. Companies such as Frito-Lay, Kellogg’s, and Coca-Cola are offering seminars, online classes, and workshops that are usually free to dietitians. The practice has raised ethical concerns that the practice gives the food industry too much influence over dietitians, who can take the classes for educational credits to maintain their licenses. The educational outreach extends outside of the classroom: Frito-Lay says more than a thousand dietitians are signed up to receive “SnackSense,” a newsletter from its online resource for health professionals. A recent issue highlighted the moderate sodium levels of a new line of Tostitos and offered recipes using the chips. – Associated Press
Mineral Salts Are an “Elegant” Choice for Sodium Reduction in Bakery Sector
Mineral salts high in magnesium and lower in potassium represent a functional and nutritious solution for sodium reduction in baked goods, according to food science consultant Helen Mitchell. Commercially available mineral salts have varying levels of magnesium and potassium, she explained, but for the optimal bread product in terms of taste, shelf life, and nutrition, a mineral salt high in magnesium chloride and slightly lower in potassium chloride is ideal. This type of mineral salt “could be the future for sodium reduction” because the integrity and taste of bakery products are maintained even at very low levels of sodium. – FoodNavigator.com
New Rules Would Curb How Kids Are Sold Junk Food at School
Proposed guidelines in local school wellness policies would ensure food and beverages marketed to children in schools are consistent with the Smart Snacks in School standards, which are set to go into effect for the 2014–2015 school year. First Lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack recently announced the proposed guidelines, which set limits for how much sodium, fat, and sugar snacks can contain. Even though 90% of school districts are now meeting the overhauled nutrition standards for school lunches, students are still being flooded with advertising for junk food in schools, according to the First Lady. For example, a study published last month in JAMA Pediatrics found that nearly two thirds of elementary school students are offered coupons for fast food at school through programs such as Pizza Hut’s Book It! Program, which uses pizza as a reading incentive. – NPR
Cut Salt by a Little to Bring Big Heart Benefits
Reducing salt consumption by half a teaspoon each day (roughly 1,150 milligrams of sodium) significantly improved blood vessel function in overweight and obese individuals with normal blood pressure, potentially lowering their risk for cardiovascular disease, according to a new report published in the journalAtherosclerosis. The magnitude of the blood vessel changes recorded in the study could shift a person from a high-risk category to a low-risk one for heart attack and stroke. For 6 weeks, participants followed a diet containing 9 grams of salt (3,450 milligrams of sodium) each day—the same as the average American’s diet. Then they followed a reduced salt diet of 6 grams (2,300 milligrams of sodium) each day—the recommended daily limit for the general population of Americans—for another 6 weeks. Blood vessel function significantly increased after 2 days on the reduced salt diet compared with the higher salt diet, improving by 45% over the full 6 weeks. – The Wall Street Journal
Vegetarian Diets May Lower Blood Pressure
People who eat a vegetarian diet tend to have lower blood pressure than non-vegetarians, according to a new review of past studies published in JAMA Internal Medicine. A plant-based diet is typically low in sodium and rich in potassium, two factors which work together to lower blood pressure, according to lead author Yoko Yokoyama. Although the results of the review are encouraging, it did not take into account sodium in the diet and lifestyle factors, according to Alice Lichtenstein, director of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory at Tufts University, who was not involved with the study. “Individuals who adhere to vegetarian diets are likely to use fewer processed foods, the major source of dietary sodium,” she said. “Until we understand the contribution of these factors we can’t attribute the effect observed solely to adhering to a vegetarian diet.” – Reuters
Bacon Addiction: Salt and Fat Creates Big Concern for Cardiovascular Health
Bacon cravings are a result of how salt and fat generate a fondness toward any type of food. Bacon sales in the United States increased 9.5% in 2013, hitting an all-time high of nearly $4 billion, according to MarketWatch. One study recently found that eating processed meats, but not unprocessed red meats, may raise consumers’ risk for heart disease and diabetes. Some food researchers have noted that humans have an innate craving for foods that contain three basic ingredients: salt, sugar, and fat. When breakfast meats are combined with sugar through the use of maple syrup or confectioner’s sugar, the craving may be even stronger. – Science World Report
High blood pressure is preventable, according to Simon Stewart, head of preventive health at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, which recently released The Baker IDI Blood Pressure Diet and Lifestyle Plan. When the amount of sodium in the blood increases, blood vessels retain more fluid to try to balance the concentration of sodium. Shopping habits are a good place to start to avoid excess sodium. For example, vegetables and fruit provide potassium, magnesium, and fiber, all of which assist in lowering blood pressure. Doubling vegetable and fruit intake and cutting salt intake in half could reduce systolic blood pressure by as much as four points, according to the institute’s new book. – The Age
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