美国疾病预防控制中心公共卫生研讨会主题为“百万心脏?”计划(Million Hearts?)和减钠
本周二,美国疾病预防控制中心公共卫生研讨会以“预防100万起心脏病和卒中的新增病例:心脏病的转折点(A Turning Point for Impact)”为主题加以研讨,大会重点介绍了“百万心脏?”计划(Million Hearts?)的进展,提出了为努力达到2017年预防100万起心脏病和卒中的新增病例和降低20%的钠摄入量的目标仍需做的工作,包括。
本次研讨会的内容将会在研讨会(Grand Rounds)网站上公布,请通过以下链接参阅http://www.cdc.gov/cdcgrandrounds/archives/2014/september2014.htm。如果您错过上周的“美国疾病预防控制中心生命体征市政厅电话会议”(CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconference)的主题“学校:降低儿童饮食中钠摄入量的措施”,也可通过以下链接参阅http://www.cdc.gov/stltpublichealth/townhall/2014/09/vitalsigns.html.
米尔斯贝尔健康营养研究所(General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition)根据最近的民意调查发现,31%的受访者表示他们会建议病人/顾客减少钠摄入量,并且在被问及“帮助病人/客户减少钠摄入过程中遇到的最大阻碍是什么?”时,他们表示没有任何阻碍。25%的受访者表示,在建议病人/客户减少钠摄入量时,多数人不明白为什么要这么做,而且食品上面都有营养标签(Nutrition Facts panel)。20%的受访者表示因为大多的食物都含钠,所以觉得病人该如何减少钠摄入量的问题很复杂。另外有16%的受访者说他们没有相应的资源/工具帮助病人了解这些内容,7%表示他们没有时间去做这些,1%则认为完全没有必要减少钠的摄入量。调查结果在网站 bellinstitute.com上一发表,就有450名健康专家点击该网站。。
Hello –
This week’s CDC Salt e-Update includes new sodium resources and sodium survey data.
CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds Features Million Hearts? and Sodium Reduction
On Tuesday, CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds featured “Preventing A Million Heart Attacks and Strokes: A Turning Point for Impact” which focused on progress in meeting the goals of Million Hearts?, along with still needed work to reach the goal of preventing one million heart attacks and strokes by 2017, including a 20% reduction in sodium intake.
The presentations will be archived on the Grand Rounds website and may be accessed here: http://www.cdc.gov/cdcgrandrounds/archives/2014/september2014.htm. In case you missed it, last week’s CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconference entitled, “School's in Session: Taking Steps to Reduce Sodium in Children's Diets” may be found here: http://www.cdc.gov/stltpublichealth/townhall/2014/09/vitalsigns.html.
Health Professionals Report Barriers to Sodium Reduction in Recent Poll
According to a recent poll administered by the General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition, 31% of respondents report they recommend sodium reduction to all of their patients/clients and did not have any barriers to doing so when asked “What is your biggest barrier to helping your patients/clients reduce their sodium intake?”. Twenty five percent of respondents reported the biggest barrier to helping their patients/clients reduce sodium intake is that they don’t understand or use the Nutrition Facts panel, and 20% reported that, because sodium is in so many foods, it is difficult to know where to start counseling patients. Additionally, 16% of respondents reported a lack of resources/tools to share with patients, 7% of respondents reported a lack of time during visits, and 1% reported that they don’t think sodium reduction is important. The poll was made available for a few weeks via bellinstitute.com and garnered 450 responses from health professionals visiting the website during that time.
For more information on the Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition, visit: http://www.bellinstitute.com/default.aspx.
Thank you for your continued engagement in sodium reduction.
We are sending this information in an effort to inform our stakeholders of relevant sodium reduction efforts that are occurring. The purpose of this communication is to provide continued follow up with stakeholders and create a network of partners working on and interested in sodium reduction. The Salt e-Update will be sent every two weeks. For questions or comments, or to be added or removed from this communication, contact Jessica Levings at JLevings@cdc.gov.
Salt e-Update content is selected solely on the basis of newsworthiness and potential interest to readers. CDC assumes no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC. Opinions expressed by the original authors of items included in Salt e-Update, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the official position of CDC. References to products, trade names, publications, news sources, and Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by the CDC.