本周的美国疾控中心(CDC)《合理用盐电子报》(Salt e-Update)的更新内容包括一篇有关大学如何成功减钠的案例。
- 用完全自制的素食汤底代替购买的汤底,使得七种蔬菜汤的含钠量平均下降了67%。
- 使用罐装无盐蕃茄丁制作番茄酱和沙拉,使得每份含钠量减少了96%,从原来的每份360毫克减少到如今的15毫克。
- 为索迪斯(Sodexo)的其它食品服务业务提供购买无盐番茄产品的机会,最终使得三所学院和当地一家医院购买了相同的番茄制品。
Hello –
This week’s CDC Salt e-Update includes a new success story related to sodium reduction in the university setting.
Sodium Reduction in University Cafeterias
A new success story related to sodium reduction in the Gonzaga University cafeterias in Spokane, Washington was recently published. The story entitled “Sodium Reduction in University Cafeterias: Soups, Sauces, and Spices” highlights efforts of the Spokane Regional Health District to identify sources of excess sodium and find alternatives for enhancing flavor in reduced sodium recipes. Outcomes include:
- Replacing purchased soup base with vegetarian soup base made from scratch resulted in an average sodium reduction of 67% among seven vegetarian soups.
- Creating tomato sauce and salsa recipes using canned diced tomatoes with no added salt resulted in a 96% reduction of sodium, from 360 mg to 15 mg per serving.
- Offering the opportunity for other Sodexo food service operations to purchase the no added salt tomato products, leading to three colleges and one local hospital to purchase the same tomato products.
The success story may be found here: http://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/docs/ss_srcp_spokane.pdf.
Thank you for your continued engagement in sodium reduction.
We are sending this information in an effort to inform our stakeholders of relevant sodium reduction efforts that are occurring. The purpose of this communication is to provide continued follow up with stakeholders and create a network of partners working on and interested in sodium reduction. The Salt e-Update will be sent every two weeks. For questions or comments, or to be added or removed from this communication, contact Jessica Levings at JLevings@cdc.gov.
Salt e-Update content is selected solely on the basis of newsworthiness and potential interest to readers. CDC assumes no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC. Opinions expressed by the original authors of items included in Salt e-Update, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the official position of CDC. References to products, trade names, publications, news sources, and Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by the CDC.